Gas Report - 0xdbcb-message-set_message


Cost Break-down

The Aptos network charges a transaction in two parts: (1) execution and IO, and (2) storage.

Execution & IO

The execution & IO costs cover the transient resources used for executing the transaction and are quantified in gas units, meaning that the final fee incurred will be subject to the gas unit price established by the gas fee market. This allows one to benefit from low transaction fees when the network is not at capacity.

Intrinsic Cost

2.76 gas units , 85.12% of the total cost for execution & IO.


Name Size in Bytes Cost in Gas Units Percentage
0xdbcb..::message 567 0.0607 1.87%


Operation Number of Hits Cost in Gas Units Percentage
call 2 0.008453 0.26%
create_ty 6 0.0032 0.10%
move_to_generic 1 0.001838 0.06%
read_ref 1 0.001295 0.04%
pack 1 0.000955 0.03%
exists_generic 1 0.000919 0.03%
move_loc 2 0.000882 0.03%
copy_loc 1 0.000854 0.03%
0x1::signer::borrow_address 1 0.000735 0.02%
not 1 0.000588 0.02%
br_false 1 0.000441 0.01%
st_loc 1 0.000441 0.01%
imm_borrow_loc 2 0.00044 0.01%
ret 2 0.00044 0.01%
branch 1 0.000294 0.01%

State Reads

Resource Name Number of Hits Cost in Gas Units Percentage
0xdbcbe741d003a7369d87ec8717afb5df425977106497052f96f4e236372f7dd5::message::MessageHolder 1 0.302385 9.33%

Ledger Writes

Transaction Itself
Cost in Gas Units Percentage
0 0.00%
(No writes to show.)
State Write Ops
Resource Name Number of Hits Cost in Gas Units Percentage
0xdbcbe741d003a7369d87ec8717afb5df425977106497052f96f4e236372f7dd5::message::MessageHolder 1 0.097756 3.01%


The storage fees cover the extended-term storage of states and events and are assessed at a fixed price in APT.


0 APT , 0.00% of the total cost for storage.


Path Cost in APT Percentage Refund in APT Percentage
0xdbcb..::0xdbcbe741d003a7369d87ec8717afb5df425977106497052f96f4e236372f7dd5::message::MessageHolder 0.0004368 100.00% / /


(No events to show.)

Full Execution Trace

execution & IO (gas unit, full trace)                                                                                       3.242616    100.00%
    intrinsic                                                                                                               2.76        85.12%
    dependencies                                                                                                            0.0607      1.87%
        0xdbcb..::message                                                                                                   0.0607      1.87%
    0xdbcb..::message::set_message                                                                                          0.32416     10.00%
        create_ty                                                                                                           0.0004      0.01%
        create_ty                                                                                                           0.0004      0.01%
        create_ty                                                                                                           0.0004      0.01%
        create_ty                                                                                                           0.0004      0.01%
        create_ty                                                                                                           0.0008      0.02%
        imm_borrow_loc                                                                                                      0.00022     0.01%
        call                                                                                                                0.00441     0.14%
        0x1::signer::address_of                                                                                             0.007534    0.23%
            create_ty                                                                                                       0.0008      0.02%
            move_loc                                                                                                        0.000441    0.01%
            call                                                                                                            0.004043    0.12%
            0x1::signer::borrow_address                                                                                     0.000735    0.02%
            read_ref                                                                                                        0.001295    0.04%
            ret                                                                                                             0.00022     0.01%
        st_loc                                                                                                              0.000441    0.01%
        copy_loc                                                                                                            0.000854    0.03%
        load<0xdbcb..::0xdbcbe741d003a7369d87ec8717afb5df425977106497052f96f4e236372f7dd5::message::MessageHolder>          0.302385    9.33%
        exists_generic                                                                                                      0.000919    0.03%
        not                                                                                                                 0.000588    0.02%
        br_false                                                                                                            0.000441    0.01%
        imm_borrow_loc                                                                                                      0.00022     0.01%
        move_loc                                                                                                            0.000441    0.01%
        pack                                                                                                                0.000955    0.03%
        move_to_generic                                                                                                     0.001838    0.06%
        branch                                                                                                              0.000294    0.01%
        ret                                                                                                                 0.00022     0.01%
    ledger writes                                                                                                           0.097756    3.01%
        state write ops                                                                                                     0.097756    3.01%
            create<0xdbcb..::0xdbcbe741d003a7369d87ec8717afb5df425977106497052f96f4e236372f7dd5::message::MessageHolder>    0.097756    3.01%