Gas Report - 0x1-aptos_account-transfer


(No storage graph to show.)

Cost Break-down

The Aptos network charges a transaction in two parts: (1) execution and IO, and (2) storage.

Execution & IO

The execution & IO costs cover the transient resources used for executing the transaction and are quantified in gas units, meaning that the final fee incurred will be subject to the gas unit price established by the gas fee market. This allows one to benefit from low transaction fees when the network is not at capacity.

Intrinsic Cost

2.76 gas units , 45.77% of the total cost for execution & IO.


(No dependencies to show. System dependencies are excluded.)


Operation Number of Hits Cost in Gas Units Percentage
call_generic 14 0.074585 1.24%
create_ty 92 0.0568 0.94%
0x1::event::write_to_event_store<0x1::coin::DepositEvent> 1 0.024886 0.41%
0x1::event::write_to_event_store<0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent> 1 0.024886 0.41%
copy_loc 20 0.01708 0.28%
read_ref 11 0.014245 0.24%
call 3 0.012863 0.21%
move_loc 28 0.012348 0.20%
imm_borrow_field_generic 12 0.00882 0.15%
mut_borrow_field_generic 8 0.00588 0.10%
mut_borrow_global_generic 2 0.003676 0.06%
br_false 7 0.003087 0.05%
write_ref 4 0.00294 0.05%
0x1::bcs::to_bytes<0x1::guid::GUID> 2 0.00288 0.05%
pack 3 0.002865 0.05%
ret 13 0.00286 0.05%
exists 3 0.002757 0.05%
not 4 0.002352 0.04%
st_loc 5 0.002205 0.04%
add 3 0.001764 0.03%
branch 5 0.00147 0.02%
unpack 1 0.000955 0.02%
exists_generic 1 0.000919 0.02%
0x1::signer::borrow_address 1 0.000735 0.01%
ge 1 0.000588 0.01%
sub 1 0.000588 0.01%
ld_u64 2 0.00044 0.01%
nop 7 0.000252 0.00%
imm_borrow_loc 1 0.00022 0.00%

State Reads

Resource Name Number of Hits Cost in Gas Units Percentage
0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin> 2 1.841762 30.54%
0x1::account::Account 1 0.920881 15.27%

Ledger Writes

Transaction Itself
Cost in Gas Units Percentage
0 0.00%
(No writes to show.)
State Write Ops
Resource Name Number of Hits Cost in Gas Units Percentage
0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin> 2 0.222034 3.68%


The storage fees cover the extended-term storage of states and events and are assessed at a fixed price in APT.




Path Cost in APT Percentage Refund in APT Percentage
0x551f..::0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin> 0 / / /
0xc94e..::0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin> 0 / / /


Name Cost in APT Percentage
0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent 0 /
0x1::coin::DepositEvent 0 /

Full Execution Trace

execution & IO (gas unit, full trace)                                                   6.030623    100.00%
    intrinsic                                                                           2.76        45.77%
    0x1::aptos_account::transfer                                                        3.048589    50.55%
        create_ty                                                                       0.0008      0.01%
        create_ty                                                                       0.0004      0.01%
        create_ty                                                                       0.0004      0.01%
        create_ty                                                                       0.0004      0.01%
        copy_loc                                                                        0.000854    0.01%
        call                                                                            0.00441     0.07%
        0x1::account::exists_at                                                         0.922861    15.30%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0004      0.01%
            move_loc                                                                    0.000441    0.01%
            load<0x551f..::0x1::account::Account>                                       0.920881    15.27%
            exists_generic                                                              0.000919    0.02%
            ret                                                                         0.00022     0.00%
        not                                                                             0.000588    0.01%
        br_false                                                                        0.000441    0.01%
        copy_loc                                                                        0.000854    0.01%
        create_ty                                                                       0.0004      0.01%
        call_generic                                                                    0.004777    0.08%
        0x1::coin::is_account_registered<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>                    0.923661    15.32%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0004      0.01%
            move_loc                                                                    0.000441    0.01%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0008      0.01%
            load<0x551f..::0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>            0.920881    15.27%
            exists                                                                      0.000919    0.02%
            ret                                                                         0.00022     0.00%
        not                                                                             0.000588    0.01%
        br_false                                                                        0.000441    0.01%
        move_loc                                                                        0.000441    0.01%
        move_loc                                                                        0.000441    0.01%
        move_loc                                                                        0.000441    0.01%
        create_ty                                                                       0.0004      0.01%
        call_generic                                                                    0.006612    0.11%
        0x1::coin::transfer<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>                                 1.178159    19.54%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0008      0.01%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0004      0.01%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0004      0.01%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0008      0.01%
            move_loc                                                                    0.000441    0.01%
            move_loc                                                                    0.000441    0.01%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0004      0.01%
            call_generic                                                                0.006245    0.10%
            0x1::coin::withdraw<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>                             1.048476    17.39%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0012      0.02%
                move_loc                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                call                                                                    0.00441     0.07%
                0x1::signer::address_of                                                 0.007534    0.12%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    call                                                                0.004043    0.07%
                    0x1::signer::borrow_address                                         0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    ret                                                                 0.00022     0.00%
                st_loc                                                                  0.000441    0.01%
                copy_loc                                                                0.000854    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                call_generic                                                            0.004777    0.08%
                0x1::coin::is_account_registered<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>            0.923661    15.32%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    load<0xc94e..::0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>    0.920881    15.27%
                    exists                                                              0.000919    0.02%
                    ret                                                                 0.00022     0.00%
                br_false                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                branch                                                                  0.000294    0.00%
                move_loc                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                mut_borrow_global_generic                                               0.001838    0.03%
                st_loc                                                                  0.000441    0.01%
                copy_loc                                                                0.000854    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                imm_borrow_field_generic                                                0.000735    0.01%
                read_ref                                                                0.001295    0.02%
                not                                                                     0.000588    0.01%
                br_false                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                branch                                                                  0.000294    0.00%
                copy_loc                                                                0.000854    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                mut_borrow_field_generic                                                0.000735    0.01%
                copy_loc                                                                0.000854    0.01%
                pack                                                                    0.000955    0.02%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                call_generic                                                            0.005511    0.09%
                0x1::event::emit_event<0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent>                        0.053853    0.89%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0012      0.02%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    call_generic                                                        0.00441     0.07%
                    0x1::bcs::to_bytes<0x1::guid::GUID>                                 0.00144     0.02%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    call_generic                                                        0.005144    0.09%
                    0x1::event::write_to_event_store<0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent>          0.024886    0.41%
                    nop                                                                 0.000036    0.00%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    ld_u64                                                              0.00022     0.00%
                    add                                                                 0.000588    0.01%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    mut_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    write_ref                                                           0.000735    0.01%
                    ret                                                                 0.00022     0.00%
                move_loc                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                mut_borrow_field_generic                                                0.000735    0.01%
                move_loc                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                call_generic                                                            0.005511    0.09%
                0x1::coin::extract<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>                          0.019386    0.32%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0012      0.02%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    ge                                                                  0.000588    0.01%
                    br_false                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    branch                                                              0.000294    0.00%
                    nop                                                                 0.000036    0.00%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    sub                                                                 0.000588    0.01%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    mut_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    write_ref                                                           0.000735    0.01%
                    nop                                                                 0.000036    0.00%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    pack                                                                0.000955    0.02%
                    ret                                                                 0.00022     0.00%
                ret                                                                     0.00022     0.00%
            st_loc                                                                      0.000441    0.01%
            move_loc                                                                    0.000441    0.01%
            move_loc                                                                    0.000441    0.01%
            create_ty                                                                   0.0004      0.01%
            call_generic                                                                0.005878    0.10%
            0x1::coin::deposit<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>                              0.111935    1.86%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0012      0.02%
                copy_loc                                                                0.000854    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                call_generic                                                            0.004777    0.08%
                0x1::coin::is_account_registered<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>            0.00278     0.05%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    exists                                                              0.000919    0.02%
                    ret                                                                 0.00022     0.00%
                br_false                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                branch                                                                  0.000294    0.00%
                move_loc                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                mut_borrow_global_generic                                               0.001838    0.03%
                st_loc                                                                  0.000441    0.01%
                copy_loc                                                                0.000854    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                imm_borrow_field_generic                                                0.000735    0.01%
                read_ref                                                                0.001295    0.02%
                not                                                                     0.000588    0.01%
                br_false                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                branch                                                                  0.000294    0.00%
                copy_loc                                                                0.000854    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                mut_borrow_field_generic                                                0.000735    0.01%
                imm_borrow_loc                                                          0.00022     0.00%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                imm_borrow_field_generic                                                0.000735    0.01%
                read_ref                                                                0.001295    0.02%
                pack                                                                    0.000955    0.02%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                call_generic                                                            0.005511    0.09%
                0x1::event::emit_event<0x1::coin::DepositEvent>                         0.053853    0.89%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0012      0.02%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    call_generic                                                        0.00441     0.07%
                    0x1::bcs::to_bytes<0x1::guid::GUID>                                 0.00144     0.02%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    call_generic                                                        0.005144    0.09%
                    0x1::event::write_to_event_store<0x1::coin::DepositEvent>           0.024886    0.41%
                    nop                                                                 0.000036    0.00%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    ld_u64                                                              0.00022     0.00%
                    add                                                                 0.000588    0.01%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    mut_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    write_ref                                                           0.000735    0.01%
                    ret                                                                 0.00022     0.00%
                move_loc                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0008      0.01%
                mut_borrow_field_generic                                                0.000735    0.01%
                move_loc                                                                0.000441    0.01%
                create_ty                                                               0.0004      0.01%
                call_generic                                                            0.005878    0.10%
                0x1::coin::merge<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>                            0.013989    0.23%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0012      0.02%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    nop                                                                 0.000036    0.00%
                    nop                                                                 0.000036    0.00%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    unpack                                                              0.000955    0.02%
                    st_loc                                                              0.000441    0.01%
                    nop                                                                 0.000036    0.00%
                    copy_loc                                                            0.000854    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    imm_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    read_ref                                                            0.001295    0.02%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    add                                                                 0.000588    0.01%
                    move_loc                                                            0.000441    0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0008      0.01%
                    create_ty                                                           0.0004      0.01%
                    mut_borrow_field_generic                                            0.000735    0.01%
                    write_ref                                                           0.000735    0.01%
                    ret                                                                 0.00022     0.00%
                ret                                                                     0.00022     0.00%
            ret                                                                         0.00022     0.00%
        ret                                                                             0.00022     0.00%
    ledger writes                                                                       0.222034    3.68%
        state write ops                                                                 0.222034    3.68%
            modify<0x551f..::0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>          0.111017    1.84%
            modify<0xc94e..::0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>          0.111017    1.84%